About Us
Mission Statement
The Psychology Department Committee on Diversity and Inclusiveness has the mission of creating a diverse and inclusive departmental environment for faculty, students, and staff. This committee meets regularly to discuss how the department can express its commitment to diversity (including but not limited to issues of gender, race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, and SES) in its members and culture and through its research, courses, and speakers.
The Psychology Department Committee on Diversity and Inclusiveness invites comments from members of our community about what we are doing well and how we could improve in our on-going efforts to achieve, support, and benefit from diversity among our faculty, staff and students.​

Who We Are
2024-2025 Co-chairs of Yale Psychology Graduate
Committee on Diversity Equity and Inclusion:

Elaine Wang (she/her/hers) is a second-year developmental psychology Ph.D. student at Yale. She studies how both internal (e.g., cognitive mechanisms) and external factors (e.g., caregiver praise) influence children's motivation to learn. Outside of research, she enjoys painting, doing yoga, cuddling her dog, Seven, and playing games with friends!
Kathy Shi (she/her/hers) is a second-year cognitive psychology Ph.D. student at Yale. She studies how current and past decisions affect mood in people with and without mood disorders, and how this might appear in neural signals during neuroimaging. Outside of research, she enjoys reading, playing video games, cuddling her dog, Finn, and hiking.
Previous Co-chairs
Eva Liu and Hannah Elizabeth Megha Chawla and Lucinda Sisk Kathryn Graves and Estée Rubien-Thomas Ajua Duker and Michael Lopez-Brau Julian Rucker and Natalie Wittlin Gina Roussos